The past, present and future of Hanji

My name is Yi Yeseul, and I am a first year student majoring in Korean Studies. Please watch the video I prepared on the topic of Hanji.

Related Videos List:

Hanji is dyed with 5 colors. These are Obangsaek. To learn more about Obangsaek.

[Sources List]




Kendall, Laurel. “Intangible Traces and Material Things: The Performance of Heritage Handicraft” Acta Koreana 17. 2014.

To learn about Hanji, I visited “Hanji Theme Park”. Hanji Theme Park is located in Wonju, Gangwondo, Korea. You can learn about the history of Hanji, how to make Hanji and you can also see so many crafts made with Hanji. In addition, you can learn and experience modern art of Hanji. You can get more information with this link.

Music: “시간여행 (Time travel)” – 초콜릿 (chocolate)